Monthly Archives February 2004


1. I have a LOT of work and it isn’t getting done. 2. I am either addicted to the internet or a chronic time waster or both. Probably both. 3. I am still stick. Or again. Or something. 4. I should stop blogging and go read IHUM. 5. I like the Bing Wing of Green […]

Sunday February 29, 2004

Happy leap day, everybody.


Happy leap day, everybody.

Friday February 27, 2004

Leave me alone.  You don’t understand.  I don’t understand.  I want to suffer for my wrongdoings.  Somebody punish me.  PUNISH.  Or save….save me from myself.  Save me from the nothing I’ve become.  Like Dorian Gray, stab a knife through the evil and if the evil is so far inside me that my heart is pierced as […]


How does one spell that anyway? So the moral of the story is go to math midterm review sessions and more than one of your problems will be solved. You will know more math, AND if you’re me you’ll get free milk and have breakfast set for another week or two! Yes! So life at […]


Save me from myself….


Ellen, whatever are you going to do? Please be happy…Scott, you too. I mean I’m not one to talk. But really, there is so much to life, and I worry that you worry so much. Both of you. In your own ways. Sometimes I wish emotions would just die, but then, as you know Scott, […]


I am such a terrible, terrible person….I’m so completely selfish, self-absorbed, inconsiderate, obnoxious, and just….worthless. I…argh. I want to just curl up in a ball and die…spare the world the misery of my presence. *sigh*


So I know that half of the people who read this are doing the same thing as I am this weekend, but who cares. The week is over. All I have left is a math problem or two and three classes. Then tonight I get to see THE LION KING!!!!!! Yay!!!! I’m so excited, I […]

Why am I blogging instead of writing this IHUM paper?

RowynM has been diagnosed with a serious disorder: AIM Additction. GROTSO (Gradual Reduction of Time Spent Online) therapy has proved unsuccessful, leaving no alternative but complete removal of AIM and behavioural therapy to encourage healthier alternatives such as IPC and TPC (In-Person Conversation and Telephone Conversation). For information on how you can help call (650) […]