Yearly Archives 2016

Banking in Japan, Part 4

In which I get money in the bank! Disclaimer: Due to my long hiatus from blogging, I cannot guarantee that my memory of these events is accurate.  Also, this will be long, because I just want to finish the darn saga. Where we left off our story, I had successfully prepped my Japanese bank account to […]

Banking in Japan, Part 3

In which I prepare to receive an international transfer to my Japanese bank account. Having determined that I would not receive a paycheck in time to pay for my language classes, I decided to transfer money from one a U.S. account to my new Japanese bank account.  Wire transfers have been around for a while, so how […]

Banking in Japan, Part 2

In which I set up my Japanese bank account to send money. My second week in Japan, I started intensive language lessons.  Unfortunately the language school does not accept credit cards as payments — only cash or bank transfer, with the latter preferred (this is normal in Japan).  Assuming I will soon get paid and […]

Banking in Japan, Part 1

In which I acquire a bank account. My second day in Tokyo, I was accompanied to the bank by a helpful lady from Tokyo Orientations.  She acted as an adviser and translator during the process, without which I would have floundered.  Things were going along swimmingly, until the nice bank representative went to make a copy […]

Starting a new chapter of my life… in Japan!

I keep intending to write blog posts, because now I’m living in a foreign country, so I must have lots of interesting things to say, right?  Only it seems like a lot of work to organize my thoughts and post things that are interesting.  This post is premised on the assumption that it is better to […]