Wednesday June 9, 2004

Were you ever kind?
Were you always cruel?
Who’s ever seen that other side of you…

The lyrics aren’t relevant to anything I’m just listening to it (Guster’s “Either Way”).  For some reason singing that particular bit of the chorus always makes me want to cry.  It is such a moving song somehow…I really love it.  I guess I’m feeling somewhat sentimental because it is the end of the year.  Although I’ll see everyone in the fall, I won’t be living in Branner any more, and I actually will miss it.  I will also miss my friends over the summer, though I know it will be good to be home and see friends from Campo again.  Right now I’m pretty tired from not really sleeping enough last night, and I’m not sure what I want to do with the rest of the evening.  Kimi and Tina suggested watching a movie, which sounded nice.  Hanging out with David is of course another option.  But going to bed early sounds appealing, and of course I’m moving out tomorrow.  Summer time…

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