A cappella ecstasy

As my friend Alex would say, there has been “so much happiness!” today. It was an okay day until I got to choir and discovered that the Yale a cappella group “Out of the Blue” was singing for us today! Thank you so so so so so much to them and to whomever arranged this! Have I ever mentioned how much I *love* a cappella music? I really was having seizures from the happiness of it all. They sang Ants Marching, one of my favorite a cappella songs of all time, AND they sang a song by Guster! The soloist was cute…fit the type of all my guy friends quite nicely and was perfectly awkward. But talented, of course. *sigh* I was ecstatic, really I was, and it lasted for two hours. One girl said, jokingly, that she could feel the happiness radiating from me and Alex, and I’m inclined to believe it. So what if I’m a dork. I love it! I love a cappella! Yay! So much happiness…

Thank goodness for music that lifts the spirit and helps one forget about the dismal state of national and international affairs today. I pray for peace…

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